This month, the Fireside Chat community is excited to announce Yuval Bustan, PhD as our esteemed guest! Be sure to mark your calendars for Wednesday, February 28th, at 8:00 PM EST, as we embark on a captivating exploration of Yuval’s extraordinary career path. Don’t let this chance slip away to discover his inspiring journey firsthand. We look forward to seeing you there!
This month, the Fireside Chat community is excited to announce Yuval Bustan, PhD as our esteemed guest! Be sure to mark your calendars for Wednesday, February 28th, at 8:00 PM EST, as we embark on a captivating exploration of Yuval’s extraordinary career path. Don’t let this chance slip away to discover his inspiring journey firsthand. We look forward to seeing you there!
Moderators: Katie Hanahan Tomás Maldonado Russell Eubanks Lisa Beth Lentini Walker David Cass Vijay Bala Hussein Syed Larry Whiteside Jr. Octavia N. Howell, CISSP, GSLC Stephen Garcia, Anil Varghese
#thoughtleadership #firesidechat #originstory #mergersandacquisitions